Note: This site serves mostly as an archive for my work up to 2008. For anything newer, please visit my Livejournal index (Supernatural, CW RPF, American Idol RPF, Kris Allen Band RPF, Leverage, and others), or my AO3 page (Yuletide stories, Eureka, NCIS LA, and others).
Philosophy for a Most Excellent New World (Socrates/Billy the Kid)
socrates revises his worldview after meeting a most extraordinary man named billy
01jan07, 1451 words
Plus ça change (David/Martin)
martin's montreal vacation takes a turn for the strange
01jan08, 3929 words, adult
The Last Saskatchewan Gentleman (Hank, Wanda, Brent)
hank and wanda take shelter from a storm. possibly. depending on who you ask
01jan08, 2438 words
Bedtime Story (with Strawberries and Cream) (Roxy, Daisy, Reggie)
reggie gets a christmas gift, even if she doesn't know it
01jan06, 1913 words
Big Red Noses (Fraser, RayK)
12apr07, 481 words
Formerly Known As (Paul/Sheldon, ensemble)
a new year, a new scheme, a new relationship and a whole new don carey high
01jan09, 19,000 words
Menagerie: Mixed Media in Epoxy (Simon, Phil, Sam)
one last hurrah for antiflux, as conceived by phil baldwin
01jan08, 1347 words
Where the dead things are (Merry, Pippin)
a moment in moria
02mar04, 805 words
You Mixed Up Siciliano (Angelo, Nino)
nino gets tired of the lies, especially the ones to himself
01jan09, 1500 words
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair (Jim/Plato)
twelve years on, if plato were still around
01jan08, 1070 words
Before the end of all things (Hamlet, Ophelia)
a timeless story is one told again and again
01jan08, 1084 words
Monologue (Shaun, Ed)
12apr07, 303 words
Ingenue (Geoffrey/Kate)
it's like being back in the New Burbage of seven years ago, and all that's changed are the parts people play
01jan09, 1200 words
No Place Like Home (Geoffrey, Richard)
you can go home again, but you have to find it first
01sep07, 6669 words
The Zeldenthuis Incident (Geoffrey, Darren)
a parasol, a cane, and a pair of theatre geeks
01jan07, 945 words
The Art of Stealing Souls (Gemma)
a life told in photographs
01jan09, 1200 words
Otis Redmund's Great Whopper (Cooper/Truman)
there's nothing quite so good for the soul as an afternoon of fishing
01jan05, 1693 words
Once and Future King (Cooper/Rosenfield)
four years later, cooper returns to twin peaks
01jan04, 3785 words
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