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every rose has a thorn Crossover Fanfiction

The Aftermath of Thunder (26K)
Rating: PG - Scully/Storm
Summary: X-Files/X-Men. On a case in Africa, Mulder and Scully meet an unusual woman.

The All Men Series...

Spin the Bottle (20K)
Rating: Adult - Slash - Krycek/Methos
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Bad beer, expensive hotel rooms, and great sex.

Our Small Cabals (33K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Krycek/Methos
Characters: Krycek, Methos
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Methos decides one night wasn't enough.

Saltwater and Gun Oil (26K)
Rating: Adult - Slash - Krycek/Methos
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Krycek discovers that Methos has a secret.

Have You Been Here This Whole Time? (33K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Krycek/Methos
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Krycek is injured; Methos meets Mulder.

Secrets of the Age (26K)
Rating: Adult - Slash - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. The gang settle in at Mulder's house.

Conscious of the Schism (19K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. The boys find a new place to live.

We Went Back To My... (22K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Characters: Krycek, Methos, Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. The gang settle in at their new home.

Fires Burnt Out On The Beach (27K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Amanda meets the family.

Don't you see...? (30K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Krycek does what he should not; it catches up with him.

Just a Little Pain Can Be Erotic (22K)
Rating: R - Implied slash - Violence - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Things between the boys get resolved.

I Always Dreamt You Would (17K)
Rating: Adult - Slash - Krycek/Methos/Mulder
Summary: Highlander/X-Files. Epilogue for the All Men series. Coffee and sap.

Long Time No See (32K)
Rating: R - Implied Slash
Summary: Highlander/Once a Thief. Mac is assigned to catch a thief. The thief ends up being an old acquaintance of The Director's.

Redemption Spoken Here (147K)
Rating: Adult - Faith/Wolverine
Summary: Buffy/X-men. The X-Men pick up a new member while trying to put an end to the latest incarnation of anti-mutant legislation.

Same Clan, Different Vintage (14K)
Rating: PG
Summary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Highlander. A young boy has his first run-in with the Watchers.

Semi-Casual (47K)
Rating: R - Slash Heavily Implied - Lex/Wesley
Summary: Smallville/Jossverse. Lex goes to LA to investigate. He gets distracted. (Bit of a PWP without the sex, really.)

A Case of Similarity (387K)
Rating: NC-17 - Graphic Slash - Hermione/(Wini)Fred, Wesley/Draco, Giles/Severus (Harry/Ginny and Remus/Sirius)
Summary: Harry Potter/Jossverse. Muggle experts are called in to help with a little post-Voldemort cleaning up.

5 x 5 (81K)
Rating: Slash - Duo/Chris, Trowa/Heero/JC, Wufei/AJ, Quatre/Dorothy, Justin/Britney, Sally/Relena (implied), Joey/Kelly (implied)
Summary: Nsync/Gundam Wing. NSync gets a new bodyguard corps.

Desperately Seeking (65K)
Rating: NC-17 - Slash - JC/Chris
Summary: X-Files/Popslash. JC helps Chris find an old friend.

Chemical Properties (110K)
Rating: PG-13 - Non-Graphic Slash - Chris/Warren
Summary: X-Men/Popslash.

The Language of Hieroglyphs (84K)
Rating: PG-13 - Slash - JC Chasez/Bill Weasley
Summary: Nsync/Harry Potter. JC takes a vacation.

Magical Realism (120K)
Rating: PG-13 - Slash - Chris/Lance, and others
Summary: Nsync/Harry Potter. AU. In Harry's first year at Hogwarts, Chris is a fifth year Muggle-born Ravenclaw. Lance is a fifth year pureblood Slytherin. Theirloveissoscandalous!

- Arsenic

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