by Zoicite

Disoriented, Nick opened one eye half way, and looked around the room. Oh. He remembered now. His hotel room. The room was dark, clothes strewn about and a small sliver of light entered from under the door illuminating a triangle of the generic beige carpet. Nick turned just a little, and yep. He knew exactly where he was because there was AJ, curled up beside him. And if Nick reached down, there was the sticky mess that he’d left on his stomach.

AJ was snoring softly, his mouth hanging open. Nick smiled and nuzzled in AJ’s short blond hair for a moment, relishing in his lover’s warmth. He glanced over AJ’s shoulder at the bedside clock. Midnight.

Nick closed his eyes and tried to think nice sleepy thoughts but after a few minutes he came to the conclusion that he just wasn’t tired anymore. He carefully climbed out of bed and headed toward the bathroom, slowly so as not to trip over anything on the floor. He wiped off his stomach, emptied his bladder and then remembered that it was supposed to snow.

Nick was done trying to be quiet. He dashed across the room, nearly falling as his foot tangled in a pair of pants, and threw open the heavy curtains on the window. It *was* snowing! And at least two inches had already accumulated in the mostly empty parking lot. The world looked shiny and new underneath the bright lights of the street lamps.

“AJ?” Nick held the curtains open and craned his neck to look at the sleeping form curled up beneath the blankets. “You awake?”

Obviously not. AJ didn’t even stir, just went on snoring. Nick sighed, climbing back onto the bed. He draped himself over AJ, blowing softly in AJ’s ear.

“It’s snoooowing,” Nick cooed quietly in a singsong voice. “Wake up. Time to play in the snow with your Nicky.” AJ grunted and swatted at Nick. He tried to roll over but couldn’t move much with Nick on top of him. Nick frowned. AJ wasn’t being cooperative. He began pinching AJ’s sides lightly. He growled a little and nuzzled his face in AJ’s neck, nibbling and licking.

“I’m… Mmmm. Sleeping.” AJ’s hand was in Nick’s hair now, his erection pressed against Nick’s thigh. He didn’t seem to be sleeping. Not at all.

“It’s snowing, AJ,” Nick murmured against AJ’s skin.

“Really? Oh. Keep doing that. S’bout time.”

Nick was kissing AJ’s collarbone now, rolling a nipple between his fingertips, and yes, AJ was definitely awake. Nick’s other hand wandered down, wrapping around AJ’s cock.

“Nick,” AJ gasped, jerking up into Nick’s hand.

Nick smiled, pumping a few times. He kissed AJ, thrusting his tongue into AJ’s mouth, then let go and backed away completely, moving off the bed.


“Time to go play in the snow.” Nick was grinning mischievously.

“Nick, it’s,” AJ grabbed his glasses, putting them on, and looked at the clock, “12:45. AM.”

“I know, let’s go.” Nick had AJ’s arm now and was pulling gently.

AJ reluctantly sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Nick was trying to shove AJ’s boots on his feet. AJ watched him for a moment, cooperating to some extent, until he looked at Nick, then down at himself.

“Nicky? Clothes?”

Nick looked at the boots in his hand. “Right.” He tossed the boots on the floor and began walking about collecting various articles of clothing. AJ pulled on his boxers, followed by his jeans, and took the sweater that Nick was holding out to him.

“You’re really going to make me go out there, aren’t you.” Nick was dressed now, barefoot, and wearing a green knit winter cap that Brian’s mother had made for him.

“Yeah. Just for a little while. Then we can come back inside and you can fuck me.”

AJ looked up at Nick, trying to interpret his expression. No, he wasn’t kidding. Nick wanted to play in the snow and then get fucked. AJ nodded. He could do that. No problem.

Nick tossed AJ his coat and a pair of gloves and then he was at the door, opening it a crack and peaking out into the hallway. It was empty. He shut the door, turning to see if AJ was ready yet. He was. Good. AJ was frowning, but Nick didn’t think he was really that upset. He kissed AJ’s nose and shoved a cap down over AJ’s ears before pushing him out into the hallway.

“Hey, I-“

“Shh. AJ, we’ve gotta be quiet. Do you want to wake Kevin up?” Nick had his hand over AJ’s mouth. AJ shook his head, then bit Nick’s palm softly. Nick removed his hand, glaring at AJ. AJ just grinned and headed toward the elevator.

“We should probably use the back door. Just go out into the parking lot,” AJ was whispering now, and Nick nodded in agreement. It was probably a good idea to avoid the lobby. It wasn’t late enough not to worry about safety. Nick knew that they’d be in deep shit if anyone found out they’d ventured outside alone, but he just wanted to go out for a few minutes. Just to see, and touch, and taste, and then he’d be happy and AJ could make love to him and they could go back to sleep.

The elevator started down and Nick gripped AJ’s gloved hand, grinning like he was twelve years old. AJ rolled his eyes, but smiled back. When it came down to it, AJ was even more of a softy than Nick. Nick looked pointedly at AJ’s mouth, and AJ got the hint, backing Nick up against the mirrored wall of the elevator and placing small kisses all over his face. It was getting rather hot in there. Nick was tempted to start taking off some layers.

The elevator came to a stop on the main floor and they stumbled out, heading for the door. Nick threw it open and then they were outside. He stepped away from the side of the building and out into the parking lot, looking up at the snow falling and swirling around him. AJ was beside him, his hands shoved into his pockets, kicking at the snow with his feet.

The parking lot was mostly empty and only a few cars were concentrated on the other end. The grassy strips between aisles were now only taller mounds of rolling white snow. The trees that lined the parking spaces were white, the snow clung to their branches and they sparkled and reflected the light. The breeze caught some of the snow clinging to the tree they were standing under, dumping it onto AJ’s head.

AJ grunted and looked up as more snow fell onto his face, clinging to his facial hair, temporarily dying it white. Nick was laughing now and AJ frowned at him. AJ bent down, apparently to tie his shoe and Nick turned to look out across the parking lot. It hadn’t been plowed yet and they were the first to leave tracks across it. Nick shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled happily. He loved snow but rarely got to see it. He had been disappointed that in the last few weeks he had actually been in areas that often got snow, but there was none to be seen. Record high temperatures in fact. Two days earlier it had been 70 degrees. In December.


Nick turned at the sound of AJ’s voice and was hit right in the shoulder by a very large ball of snow. AJ was the one laughing now as Nick wiped off the snow that had splattered onto his face and in his eyes. It was cold. He was about to tackle AJ but AJ knew Nick well and dodged behind a car before Nick could grab him.

Nick jumped around the other side of the car, intending a surprise attack, but AJ was already off, running across the empty lot.

“AJ! Come back here!” Nick yelled, cupping his gloved hands around his mouth. AJ just waved, then turned to shake his ass at Nick, before continuing to run in the opposite direction. Nick sighed and started out after him, crouching behind cars and trees to remain under some cover in case AJ was planning some sort of ambush.

He was quickly gaining on AJ and stopped for a moment, bending down to collect ammunition. He stood, packing the snow into a tight ball and frowned, looking to his left, then to his right. AJ had disappeared in some rows of snow covered cars. Nick frowned. Didn’t AJ realize that it was pointless to hide? Nick could just follow his footprints. He started out, coming quickly upon the cars and followed the tracks between a green station wagon and a black SUV. The tracks turned right, curling back around the other side of the SUV. Nick was about to follow when he felt a tap on his shoulder.


“Nope. Guess again.”

Nick tried to reach behind him, grabbing, but came up with air. He spun around, tackling AJ and throwing him onto the grassy divide. Nick tripped over the hidden curb and fell beside AJ on the ground. AJ was on him in a second, laughing and trying to wipe snow from Nick’s face with his snowy gloves. Nick’s face was becoming red and numb and he tried to swat AJ’s hands away but ended up hitting him in the face instead.


“Sorry. Stop it. You’re gloves are wet and cold.” AJ pulled his hands away from Nick’s face, gripping Nick’s wrists instead and holding them in the snow. He leaned in and kissed Nick, trailing a warm tongue across his lips before slipping into his mouth. Nick struggled for a second then managed to roll them over so that AJ was beneath him, squirming, and still gripping Nick’s wrists tightly. Nick kissed the snow from AJ’s cheeks, then leaned down and tugged on AJ’s earlobe with his teeth. AJ released Nick’s hands.

“I think I’m ready to be fucked,” Nick whispered in his very best boy-sex voice.

AJ’s eyes widened behind his fogged glasses, and then he was grinning and pulling Nick to his feet, hauling him toward the back entrance of the hotel. Nick laughed and let himself be dragged.

They made it back upstairs undetected, and before they were even in the door of their room, AJ was shoving Nick’s coat off, kissing him deeply. Nick moaned and backed further into the room, fumbling with the button on AJ’s pants. AJ had Nick’s hat off now, and the large sweater. Nick pulled away to remove his boots and AJ did the same, kicking them into the corner of the room. Clothing was soon gone completely and AJ shoved Nick naked onto the bed.

Nick looked up at AJ, waiting to see what would happen next. He loved it when AJ was in this mood, hot and ready to take charge. AJ was on Nick then and Nick gasped as AJ’s mouth covered his nipple. Nick’s body was cold, so cold, and AJ’s mouth felt hot, almost burning against his skin. AJ trailed kisses across Nick’s stomach, licking little trails of heat as he went, and Nick moaned and whimpered, his hands in AJ’s hair.

Suddenly a slick finger was pushing against Nick. AJ wasn’t wasting any time but it didn’t matter because Nick wanted it now and he was ready, he’d already had it, slow and gentle, earlier in the evening. AJ’s finger was there and it pumped inside Nick, testing, and Nick’s ass clenched around it as he groaned and arched up off the bed. More. He was ready. He needed more.

AJ’s mouth was still trailing kisses across Nick’s body and he was licking Nick’s thighs now. Nick gripped AJ’s short blond spikes, not pulling; he wouldn’t hurt AJ, just firmly holding.

“AJ. More, please. Shit. More fingers.” Nick was whimpering quietly and AJ complied, sliding a second finger into Nick. Nick groaned and shut his eyes as the fingers began to thrust and stretch inside him, scissoring back and forth and hitting Nick’s prostate repeatedly.

AJ’s tongue swiped at the head of Nick’s cock and Nick groaned, not even trying to be quiet anymore. AJ took the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. Nick’s hands threatened to push, but he held back, content just to hold on.

AJ let Nick’s cock fall from his mouth and he trailed back up Nick’s body before claiming Nick’s lips, kissing him hard. Nick pushed up into the kiss, thrusting his tongue into AJ’s mouth and pushing down onto AJ’s fingers, still working inside him.

“You ready, Nicky?” AJ whispered, and Nick couldn’t answer, couldn’t form the words. AJ’s mouth, his fingers, were too distracting.

Then AJ’s fingers were gone and AJ’s cock was there, pushing and it was in with one long stroke, his balls resting against Nick’s ass. Nick cried out, wrapping his legs around AJ’s waist and thrusting up against him. AJ held still for a moment before pulling out almost completely and thrusting back in, hard.

Nick gripped the bed, holding on as AJ pumped in and out forcefully. Nick arched on the bed, trying to get closer, and it felt like the lube had dried up already. Nick felt raw and sensitive, and it was so good. He was moaning and talking and he didn’t know what he was saying but it was loud. AJ was grunting and the headboard was knocking against the wall a little and then AJ was flipping Nick over onto his stomach.

AJ hit Nick’s prostate from a new angle now and that combined with the friction of the bedclothes against Nick’s swollen cock was too much and Nick came, crying out AJ’s name. AJ grunted, thrusting harder and Nick was whimpering as the friction sent aftershocks throughout his body. His ass muscles clenched down on AJ’s cock and then AJ was coming inside Nick, collapsing onto his sweaty back.

There was knocking on the wall and through Nick’s mind-blowing orgasm induced daze he thought he could hear Howie yelling at them to “Shut the hell up already! Some people were trying to get some sleep!” They were quite now though and soon Howie stopped pounding. Nick smiled and rolled over beneath AJ.

The sticky mess on his stomach was back and he trailed a finger in it lazily. AJ was mumbling and Nick made out “Love you, Nicky” before AJ was out, snoring.

“Love you, too,” Nick whispered, kissing AJ’s forehead. AJ’s arm was draped across his chest and Nick traced the tattoos with his finger. The curtains were still open and Nick could see the snow falling into the parking lot outside. There was a plow out there now, pushing the snow out of the lot and creating small banks on the edges. Nick smiled, content, and fell asleep.
