Joey always goes grocery shopping at the same store at the same time. 10pm. He rolls his cart around the aisles, tossing in fruit, cereal, cookies, and chips. Sometimes he drags JC with him, but not often because JC is cheap and gets really annoying when it comes to shopping. He tries to convince Joey that chocolate sandwich cookies are really the same as Oreos, and look! Thirty cents cheaper! Clearly JC doesn’t know what he’s talking about and after awhile Joey just gets sick of listening to it. After all, he can afford the extra thirty cents. Joey looks up at the signs announcing what products are where. Pasta – Aisle 7. Do Ramen noodles even count as pasta? He doesn’t think so. Justin never wants to go shopping with him. Joey doesn’t even bother asking anymore. Justin is the type who’d rather let others do it for him. Joey tried that for awhile but he never really knows what he wants until he’s standing in the aisle staring at it and he has yet to find a personal shopper who knows that he’s craving Ramen noodles even though they aren’t on the list. Chris is banned from shopping with Joey. When Chris goes shopping with Joey they usually end up with three carts and five hundred dollars in junk food. It was Wade that decided that Chris and Joey shopping trips were forbidden. Chris yelled and threw sneakers at the mirror, but then after an extra long grueling day of rehearsal they decided to suck it up and shop separately. Joey won’t take Lance with him. Not if he can help it. Lance is a bitch to shop with. “Do you really think you need that ice cream?” “Why don’t you buy *Diet* Coke?” Lance doesn’t seem to understand that just because he is bulking up, it doesn’t mean that Joey wants to. Ever. So now Joey shops on his own. He goes late, when there are only a few people in the store. He often sees college students shopping at that hour and sometimes they recognize him but it’s all right because how many kids could there be? Only one or two. It never gets out of hand and he doesn’t have to worry about dragging a bodyguard along with him. Joey is tossing 10 bags of Ramen into his cart when he feels a tap on his shoulder. Someone has recognized him. He pulls a Sharpie out of his back pocket, biting the cap off before turning around. “Hey.” Joey spits the cap onto the floor, looking at it stupidly. This person isn’t going to want his autograph. “Brian?” Brian Littrell laughs, nodding, and bends down to pick up Joey’s pen cap. “You dropped this.” Joey takes the cap, shoving the pen back into his pocket. “Um…Hi. What are you doing?” Joey feels sort of stupid after he says it. Brian’s half-full cart is sitting right behind him. “I mean. I know what you’re doing, obviously. But, you don’t even live in Orlando anymore, do you?” Brian is smiling at him. Brian’s smile is huge. Joey can’t help but smile back. “Nope. I live in Georgia. We’re doing some stuff this month, recording, writing. Anyway, I’ve been staying with AJ but he doesn’t shop, ever. He only has dog food in his fridge. Which is why I’m here.” Joey nods and gestures to his own cart. “I wanted Ramen noodles.” Brian’s laughing at him again. Oh man, Joey thinks. Did you just say you wanted Ramen noodles?! God. He’s going to run home and joyously tell his boys that they just found more fuel to make fun of Nsync. Joey isn’t sure why he’s so nervous around Brian. He’s talked to him a few times before, but always in a professional setting. Now just seems different. He doesn’t have backup and he feels like he has something to prove. Brian is the competition, after all. “So, how’s life treatin' ya?” “Um. All right.” And once again Joey thinks he’s lame but Brian doesn’t seem to notice and they finish shopping together, talking and laughing the entire time. Joey knows all about Brian’s dogs and how AJ’s been doing since he got out of rehab and about the steward on the plane that had been blatantly hitting on Brian the day before. In the parking lot Brian points to his car that is quite a ways away from Joey’s and Joey says, “Right. So I guess I’ll see you around then. The next big music event probably.” Brian frowns and scuffles his foot on the pavement a little. Shit, Joey thinks. He’s an adorable little fucker. No one should be allowed to be that…cute. And doesn’t Joey feel like a teenybopper girl now. But Brian is all looking down and he’s wearing a jacket with a huge freakin’ hole in the shoulder and then all of a sudden he’s smiling shyly at Joey and the smile just glows and Brian’s eyes twinkle and yes, Joey is definitely a teenybopper girl. “What are you doing tonight, Joe?” Brian asks. “Um…I. I was. Well, nothing,” Joey sputters and feels foolish for the umpteenth time in the past half-hour. “AJ is going with Nick to see the band Nick manages but I’ve seem them a million times and they aren’t really my scene and I was just going to sit home and watch a movie or something, but if you aren’t busy-“ “No, definitely not busy.” Joey wonders if he sounds too eager. He can’t quite believe that Brian wants to hang out with him. Not that he thinks that he’s not “cool” enough for Brian or something, but Backstreet hasn’t always been the group mingling type. “Great! Hey, why don’t you follow me over to AJ’s and we’ll throw these groceries in the kitchen and then we can return yours and then-“ Brian shrugs. Joey thinks it would probably be easier if they just each went to their own homes and did their thing and then met up. But if Brian wants him to come help put away groceries, that’s all right with him. AJ doesn’t live that far from him anyway. ![]() Joey follows Brian inside, hands full of bags. He’s never been in AJ’s house. The front hall is huge. Piano and everything. He trails Brian to the kitchen and places his bags on the counter. “Hi Honey! We’re home!” Brian yells out as he opens the fridge, gesturing inside for Joey to look, “See, dog food. That’s it.” Brian’s right. The fridge contains dog food and a Brita filter. What the hell does AJ eat? AJ saunters into the room, wearing a wife beater and track paints and sprinkled in tattoos. He grabs Brian’s head and begins scrubbing his hair with his knuckles. Brian squirms and tries to escape AJ’s grip. “How many times do I have to tell you guys not to make fun of my show? I was young and naďve, okay?” Brian laughs, “Sure…Skunk.” AJ sticks his tongue out then jumps as he notices Joey standing there. “You brought guests.” He unclips the sunglasses from his shirt, shoving them onto his face before looking Joey up and down. Joey feels like he glimpsed an AJ not meant for public viewing. He gives Joey a strange look, then turns to Brian raising his eyebrows. “Ran into it at the market. There were no tags so I figured it must be homeless or lost. I’m going to start putting up signs around the neighborhood tomorrow.” Brian is pulling food out of the bags, setting things on the counter. Joey follows suit, feeling a bit uncomfortable under the scrutiny of AJ. “So, Joey. I hear you’re a big movie star now.” AJ is grinning, and Joey thinks he’s probably making fun of him. “Um. No, not really.” Now AJ is laughing. Bastard. This is why he shouldn’t hang out with Backstreet Boys. “I saw it, man. Brought my girl. We couldn’t resist seeing the Sync boys’ movie. It was cheesy, sappy, but not bad. Lance was a little wooden. You were pretty good.” AJ is patting Joey on the back now and Joey can’t quite tell if he is really being made fun of or not. He thinks he should probably stand up for Lance, but can’t find the words. And really, Lance was a little wooden. Joey reaches into one of the bags and pulls out the contents. AJ scrunches up his face and takes the packages from Joey’s hand. “Ramen noodles.” Joey looks down and laughs before glancing up at Brian, who is…is he blushing? “Yeah, um, I-” Now it’s Brian’s turn to stutter. AJ laughs and walks over to a cupboard, opening it. Inside are numerous packages of noodles. “You should have made a list of what I needed before you went buying stuff I already have plenty of.” Brian and Joey finish putting away the food and head out to return Joey’s groceries. They are walking to Joey’s car when a black 4runner pulls up beside them. Nick jumps out, stopping in his tracks and giving Joey a strange look. “Hey, Nick. Have fun tonight.” Nick composes himself and gives Brian a quick hug. “Yeah. You too.” He’s smirking now and he hip checks Brian before waving to Joey and sprinting inside. Brian shakes his head, flashing his sparkly crinkly-eyed grin at Joey. Joey feels his stomach flip flop a little. ![]() That night Brian and Joey end up watching movies in Joey’s home theater. Brian is impressed with the Star Wars theme and admits that it’s a lot nicer than AJ’s theater. Half way through ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’, Brian gets up to use the bathroom. When he returns he sits right next to Joey rather than on the other end of the couch. Joey looks down at him and Brian snuggles against his side. “You don’t mind, do you?” Brian asks and he looks all wide-eyed and innocent and Joey can’t say no to that. He puts his arm around Brian and they watch the rest of the movie. ![]() Joey doesn’t hear from Brian for a week after their movie night. He doesn’t really expect to, Brian is busy and they aren’t really even friends. Not really. He doesn’t tell the guys who he spent his Thursday night with. Chris would laugh. He wouldn’t let Joey hear the end of it. Lance would frown and just nod and Joey would know that Lance disapproved even though he hadn’t actually said anything. Justin would probably be all jealous. He could tell JC, but he doesn’t think it is fair to tell JC and not the others, so he doesn’t tell anyone. He goes out with Justin that Saturday to a popular club that Justin frequents often. They have a good night and get more than a little drunk and on the way home Joey checks the voice mail on his cell phone to see if he has any messages. “Joe. Who are you waiting for?” Justin pokes Joey in the side when he says it for emphasis. “Huh?” Justin points at the phone in Joey’s hand. “Don’t play me, man. You’ve checked your messages five times tonight. Who’s the girl?” Joey shoves the phone back into his pocket. “No one. My mom was supposed to call.” Justin snorts and turns to look out the window of the cab. Joey fidgets in his seat. He feels bad that he lied to Justin. They ride in silence for awhile until Justin turns back to Joey and says, “It happened Thursday didn’t it?” Joey’s head shoots over toward Justin. “Nothing happened Thursday,” he protests. Justin holds up his hand for Joey to let him talk. “You’ve been acting funny since Thursday, Joe. Even JC noticed. So why don’t you just quit with the act and tell me already?” Justin is getting annoyed. An annoyed Justin is an annoying Justin. Joey rolls his eyes and leans conspiratorially toward Justin. Justin grins and leans closer to hear. “Fine, I think I met someone, all right? But we’re just friends, that’s all.” “Do you like her?” “Yeah.” Justin pouts. He wanted the details, but he’s gotten Joey to admit that he is crushing and that‘s enough for now. ![]() Brian calls the next Saturday. He is in Joey’s area and wonders if Joey wants to meet him for lunch. Joey is happy to see Brian again, but disappointed to find out that Brian isn’t alone. Joey sits uncomfortably at the table, across from Kevin and Brian. Kevin is talking with Joey about music and where Nsync seems to be headed and he is really complementing them, Joey knows. It’s surprising because Kevin is the scariest thing about Backstreet. He’s opinionated and protective and he has very large eyebrows. Kevin hates Bye, Bye, Bye. He’s announced it publicly numerous times. He thinks they need to get their own identity. Kevin is generally bitter. But now he seems to have pulled the stick from his ass. He loves Gone. He thinks it is the best Nsync has ever done and he makes Joey promise to tell Justin that. Joey isn’t going to tell Justin. That kid doesn’t need another ego boost. Joey picks at his turkey sandwich and nods as Kevin tells him about his environmental charity. He’s been talking about it for 20 minutes and before that it was about Krystal and before that their record label and before that the water spots on the diner’s silverware. Kevin never shuts up. Joey always thought he was a relatively quiet guy, but he finds out that it’s really exactly the opposite. Brian hardly speaks two words the entire time and Joey is mostly nodding and agreeing with whatever Kevin says. Brian rolls his eyes and mocks Kevin when he isn’t looking causing Joey to snort soda all over his French-fries. After they settle the bill and Brian insists on paying for everyone’s lunch they stand in the parking lot for a moment before Brian gives Joey a quick hug. They exchange some generic pleasantries and then Brian is jogging to catch up to Kevin who is already on the way to their car. Joey can’t help but feel disappointed, it isn’t how he wanted things to go. He hasn’t really gotten to spend time with Brian at all. ![]() The phone is ringing when he steps back into his house. He runs through the kitchen, slipping on an area rug and answers it just in time. “Hello?” “Joey? It’s me. Brian.” Joey grins. “Hey? Miss me already?” He can hear Brian laughing on the other end of the phone. “I just dropped Kevin off and was wondering if you’d like to go to this place I know. We hardly got to talk at lunch.” Joey agrees and writes down the directions before heading out to meet Brian, a smile plastered on his face. ![]() It’s a small bar, hidden in downtown Orlando. It isn’t late and there are very few people there. Brian and Joey sit in a booth near the back, drinking beer and laughing. “God. I thought he’d never shut up,” Brian laughs as he takes a large gulp of his beer. Joey nods. He doesn’t think he really has the right to make fun of Kevin. It’s safer just to keep his mouth shut and agree with Brian. Brian stops laughing and says, “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner. I got the messages you left but it was a pretty hectic week with recording and-“ “You don’t need to apologize. If anyone knows how that is, I do.” Brian smiles. They stay at the bar for several hours before heading back to Joey’s. Once there they watch TV for awhile until Brian falls asleep on Joey’s couch. Joey doesn’t really want to wake him up but he’s afraid that Brian will get a sore neck so he gently shakes him awake. “Hey, hey. Brian. Why don’t you move up to the guest room?” Brian yawns and nods before stumbling to his feet. “Sorry, I didn’t know I was so tired. I should probably just go home.” “Nah, it’s late. You can stay here. There are some extra clothes upstairs if you want to change. I think they’re Lance’s but they should fit you.” Brian follows Joey upstairs and takes the clothes Joey hands to him, staring at them before placing them on the bed and giving Joey a hug. Joey laughs, patting Brian on the back and wishes him a good night. Joey doesn’t fall asleep for a long time that night. He keeps thinking about Brian down the hall. Brian’s so smiley and touchy and it feels like Joey’s known him forever. At first Joey thought that the snuggling and the hugging and the touching might mean something. He thought that Brian might be hitting on him. But Brian does it so casually that Joey has a feeling it’s just how Brian is. Sort of like the way that Justin clings to everyone, tangling himself in their limbs. ![]() The next morning, Brian leaves early, rushing off to a day of recording. Joey thinks that it would be funny if a picture of Brian surfaced in the paper. Lance would throw a fit if he saw Brian wearing his patched jeans and Mississippi State T-shirt. Joey talks to Brian for three hours on the phone that night and he feels like a 12-year old girl, giggling into the receiver. Over the next two weeks Joey sees Brian every other night. He’s starting to feel like he really has known Brian forever and he’s not at all looking forward to the Backstreet Boys wrapping up on recording. He goes bowling with Brian and AJ, losing miserably. It turns out that AJ bowls on a regular basis and has taught Brian some tricks. Joey thinks that maybe they should try bumper bowling next time. He goes to the movies with Brian, Nick, and Kevin and it’s more fun when there are two boys against Kevin, rather than just one. Nick doesn’t let Kevin dominate a conversation. He goes out to lunch with Brian and Nick. Nick throws potato chips at him and makes fun of his clothing and Joey doesn’t feel offended because Nick isn’t trying to pick a fight. He’s smiling and laughing and obviously joking and Joey can’t believe that he once thought that Nick Carter was a spoiled arrogant brat. He throws the chips back and Nick grins. He even gets a hug from Nick as he and Brian head back to the studio. Joey comes to realize that the Backstreet Boys aren’t so bad. They’re all friendly to him and soon he’s joking around with AJ and Nick as though he’s known them for years. He goes out with them all on weekends and really he’s seeing more of them than he is of his own boys. Joey feels like the sixth Backstreet Boy. Or the fifth. Howie seems to be MIA. ![]() Chris drops by unexpectedly one morning and he’s nosing around suspiciously and Joey immediately knows that something is up. “Justin tells me you’re crushing on some girl.” Joey rolls his eyes. Justin can’t keep his mouth shut. “But ya see Joe-bear. I’m getting conflicting information here.” Chris raises his eyebrows at Joey and Joey doesn’t know what he’s talking about so he just stares back at Chris. Chris holds up his right hand, “On the one hand you’re crushing on some girl. On the other you’re sleeping with Brian Littrell.” Joey’s mouth drops open. Chris is looking at his hands and moving them up and down, “Something doesn’t add up here, Joe.” “I’m not-“ “Are you saying somebody’s lying to me?” “Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Joey has no idea where Chris would have heard such a thing. Brian stayed at his house a few nights, mostly when they ended up getting drunk and passing out but they had never done anything. Nick and AJ had stayed over too. Did that mean he was sleeping with them? “Au contraire, by little teddy bear. I get my information from a very reliable source. One that knows. One that wouldn’t lie. Justin, however... So. You’re sleeping with Brian Littrell?” Chris is tapping his fingertips together and trying to look sinister but he just looks like a moron and Joey rolls his eyes. “Who’ve you been talking to?” “An insider. One who wouldn’t-“ “I heard you the first time.” Chris smiles. “I talked to Howie yesterday. He says Brian’s been staying at your place quite frequently in the last couple weeks,” Chris punches Joey in the shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell us? I didn’t even know you knew Brian!” “I didn’t tell you because he’s a Backstreet Boy and you’d laugh. You hate Brian. And I’m not sleeping with him anyways.” “Well, why the hell not?!” Joey hits Chris and goes to get a drink of water from the kitchen. His mouth is suddenly very dry. Chris follows close on his heals. “I’m serious. Why not?” Joey sighs, “It’s not like that.” “I repeat, why the hell not? All of Backstreet thinks you’re doing it. Brian’s been staying here and you’re the only thing he talks about. They all just assumed…” “We’re just friends, Chris. Brian’s married, remember? The wedding that broke a million girls’ hearts?” “Au contraire, my teddy bear,” Joey really wishes Chris would stop saying that. “There is trouble in paradise. Brian’s breaking it off.” Huh. Chris really does have the inside scoop. Howie must have a pretty big mouth. “Oh.” “Yeah, see. Brian’s probably been all over you and you probably just thought whatever, Brian just likes to touch people, because that’s what you’d think. But guess what, Brian’s not a touchy guy. He just likes touching you.” How the hell does Howie know all of this? Joey hasn’t even seen Howie since he’s been seeing Brian. Not that he’s *seeing* Brian, because, he’s not. Chris is looking at him, smirking as though he knows he’s figured it all out. He has, but Joey doesn’t want him to know that so he says “It doesn’t matter. I’m not interested in Brian. We’re just friends.” Chris gives him a look, a look that clearly says “bullshit”, but he nods and says “Fair enough.” Joey blinks. That was too easy. Chris isn’t telling him something. But Chris is grabbing a soda out of Joey’s fridge and saying something about meeting Justin for basketball and then he’s out the door as quickly as he came. Joey shrugs and calls Brian. ![]() Chris is right. Brian is getting divorced. He didn’t want to tell Joey because he thought it would be burdening Joey with his problems. Joey understands. Sort of. Joey is at AJ’s sitting on the large leather couches, waiting for Brian to come back with the movie and their beers. AJ is there, talking with him about the club they had gone to a few days earlier. Brian comes back into the living room with the beers, waving the movie in his free hand. Howie follows him in. “Look who I found,” Brian says, jerking his thumb back at Howie. So apparently Howie isn’t MIA after all. “Hey AJ, Joey,” Howie gives him a passing glance before sitting beside AJ and striking up a conversation about one of their mutual friends. Brian pops in the film and settles beside Joey. They finish their film and order pizza and still Howie jokes around with AJ, wrestling in the kitchen. Howie completely ignores Joey for the rest of the afternoon. The pizza is gone and the four are sitting at the stools in AJ’s kitchen. Joey gets up and clears away everyone’s plates, placing them in the dishwasher. “Aw, isn’t he so domestic,” Brian coos and then Brian is right next to him, reaching up and placing a light kiss on Joey’s lips. Joey is stunned and before he can react Brian is already gone, talking to AJ who doesn’t seem to think that Brian’s action was abnormal at all. That would make sense, Joey thinks, if what Chris told him is true. The Backstreet Boys think he and Brian are sleeping together after all. Joey looks up and notices that Howie is looking at him. Glaring at him, more correctly. When he sees Joey looking he quickly glances away, taking a deep interest in the bottom of his glass. As Brian walks Joey out to his car, Joey decides to bring up the Howie thing. “I don’t think Howie likes me. At all.” He looks at the driveway as he walks but he can tell that Brian is watching him. “Nah, Howie likes you.” “No. Really, Bri. I think he hates me.” “He’s just mad at me, and he’s taking it out on you. Don’t worry about it.” “What’s he mad at you for?” Brian shrugs, “I’m not really sure. I asked but he denied it and wouldn’t tell me,” Brian glances over at Joey, “He’ll get over it soon. Howie can’t stay mad for more than a few days.” Joey is about to ask Brian about the kiss when AJ starts calling Brian from the doorway. Kevin is on the phone for him. Brian says a quick good-bye promising to see Joey soon and then he’s dashing towards the house and Joey is alone in the driveway. ![]() Joey lies in bed, unable to fall asleep, thinking about the events of the afternoon. Chris is keeping something from him. Something that Howie told him. And now Howie is glaring at him and ignoring him and just generally being a bastard, which Joey never thought Howie was. Then there was the kiss. Chris said all of that stuff about Brian wanting him but Joey hadn’t actually believed it. This is Brian. Brian Littrell, the bible thumping, married, not gay Backstreet Boy. Okay, so he isn’t bible thumping. And he won’t be married for long. But that doesn’t mean he’s gay. Joey isn’t even gay! Just a little bisexual. Or something. It was a nice kiss, Joey thinks. Short and sweet and chaste, but it seemed to promise more. No, it didn’t. It didn’t promise anything. Stop it, Joey thinks, you’re going to drive yourself nuts. Then there was the glare of death right afterward. Joey’s eyes open in surprise. That’s it! Howie wants Brian! Howie’s jealous because he thinks there is something going on between Brian and Joey. Joey knows he thinks that because he told Chris. But there isn’t anything going on between him and Brian. They’re just friends. So all he has to do is show Howie that he’s not competition and then Howie can make his move and Brian will be happy with Howie. Howie won’t hate Joey. Joey doesn’t really like that plan. He doesn’t feel any loyalty to Howie. He doesn’t particularly want to help Howie, and really he doesn’t care if Howie hates him. Joey isn’t convinced that Brian should be with Howie at all. From what he’s seen, Howie doesn’t deserve Brian. So he won’t go out of his way to prove that he isn’t with Brian. But he isn’t, and it should become apparent eventually. Howie will figure it out on his own. Joey yawns and falls asleep ![]() Brian is right. Howie doesn’t stay mad for long and a few days later he’s over whatever his issue with Brian had been. Joey goes with the two of them to see a play that’s moving through town and Howie is conversational and nice and seems to be a completely different person from the man Joey met three days earlier. When Brian goes to put an arm around Joey in the parking lot after the show, Joey shrugs it off and moves away. Brian is frowning and Joey just goes on talking about his collection of Superman comics with Howie. They go out for coffee and Brian sits next to Joey, Howie across from them. Joey can feel Brian’s eyes on him, questioning, but he ignores it and pretends he doesn’t notice anything is wrong. Brian ends up spending most of the evening staring sadly into his coffee and Joey feels pretty bad. Even Howie is giving him disapproving looks again. Brian drops Howie off first before taking Joey home. They ride in silence for awhile, Brian glancing over at Joey every once in awhile. “Joe?” Joey looks over at Brian for the first time since they got into the car. “Something wrong?” “No.” “Oh. You seem a little…different tonight, or something.” Joey doesn’t know what to say so he just stares out the window quietly. When Brian places a hand on Joey’s leg to try to get his attention back, Joey shoves it off. “Joey – “ “What, Brian?” “Why don’t you want me to touch you? You’ve been pushing me away all night.” Joey sighs, “Howie thinks - “ “Who cares what Howie thinks.” “But, you. He…” Joey isn’t sure what he’s trying to say, “I don’t want him to think that I’m moving in on his territory. Because I’m not.” Joey doesn’t like the way it comes out. He’s making it sound like Brian isn’t even a person. And Brian’s just staring at him. Joey’s about to tell Brian that it would be a good idea to watch the road when he notices that they’re in his driveway. “Joey. Howie’s not – “ “We’re friends, right, Bri?” “Of course.” Joey nods. “Right. Good. I just wanted to make sure because of everything and the kiss and - Are you going to Howie’s after this?” Brian frowns, scrunching up his face a bit, “I’m staying at AJ’s.” “Yeah, but I just thought you’d want to spend some time with Howie and…” Brian’s still frowning, looking at Joey like he thinks he’s gone off the deep end. “Nick’s there. He can keep Howie company.” “Oh, okay. Well, I guess I’ll see you later then,” Joey’s fumbling now, he knows he’s making a fool out of himself and he’s just ready to say goodbye and call it a night. Brian reaches out to touch Joey’s arm but stops himself half way there, pulling back and just sort of waving a little. “Bye, Joe.” Joey smiles and gets out of the car. ![]() Joey avoids Brian for two weeks after acting like a moron in Brian’s car. He thinks he’s doing a pretty good job, screening his phone calls, turning off his cell phone, until he goes grocery shopping. He has JC with him and he’s trying to convince Joey that Sam’s Club cola really does taste the same as Coca-Cola. “You’re just paying for the label, Joe. It contains the same stuff. Here, look at the ingredients.” JC picks up two bottles and begins comparing. “Same, same, same. You know, Joe, on second thought, soda contains some pretty scary stuff. Maybe you should stick to water. Or tea.” Joey rolls his eyes, grabbing the real Coke out of JC’s hands and throwing it into his cart. He looks pointedly at JC’s empty basket. “Are you here to buy food, Jayce, or just to annoy the hell out of me?” JC looks down at his basket. “No, no. I’m shopping. I just haven’t found what I want yet.” They round the corner, entering the bread aisle when Joey spots Brian, buying English muffins. “Shit,” he mutters, but it’s too late, JC is already started down the aisle. “Brian? Hey!” Joey’s never taking JC shopping with him again. Brian looks up, waving at JC and then he spots Joey. His face lights up in a large grin and he begins walking toward them. “Joey! JC. Hey!” Brian’s shaking JC’s hand, but he’s still looking at Joey. “What’s going on, Brian?” JC is grinning like a fool and hopping from foot to foot. Joey thinks that Chris must have filled JC in on what’s been going on because JC is acting all nervous and giddy and he keeps glancing at Joey and smiling. “Not much. Just stocking AJ’s fridge.” Brian smiles at JC before turning back to Joey, “Hey Joe. I haven’t heard from you in awhile.” Joey looks at the ground. “Yeah, I…um. I’ve been busy.” Brian nods. “Listen, can we talk?” Joey glances at JC who takes the hint and starts walking down the aisle away from them. “I’m sorry about whatever I did to offend you Joey. I can’t pretend to know what that is, but I’m sorry.” “You didn’t do anything.” “Then what the hell is your problem? What do you want?” Joey raises his gaze to Brian at the harsh words. Brian is staring at him with questioning eyes. His hair is a mass of blond curls, it’s getting long, Joey thinks. Brian’s arms are held out in front of him, his palms open. Brian’s laying it all out and he wants answers. And in that moment Joey finds his answers. “I want you, Brian.” Joey never knows what he wants until he’s standing in the aisle looking at it. He’s looking at Brian now and Brian’s confused expression is quickly becoming a smile. “You have me, Joe.” “But. Howie?” Brian laughs. “I don’t know where you got this Howie stuff from. Howie’s madly in love with Nick. He has been since they got together three years ago. Howie doesn’t want me. That’s…well, it’s a pretty funny thought actually.” “Howie and Nick? He…the kiss at AJ’s,” Joey thoughtfully fingers his lip as he says it, “Howie wanted to kill me.” Brian sighs, “Howie’s a bit overprotective. He didn’t really like the idea of me being so close to you, not to mention kissing you. You are from Nsync after all.” Joey laughs. “So now that we’ve got this all cleared up, can I start touching you again? Can I kiss you?” Joey glances up and down the aisle, looking to see if anyone’s around. JC is there, standing right beside them and smiling. Joey wonders how long he’s been there. “Go ahead guys. I’m keeping an eye out. Kiss away.” Maybe JC isn’t such a burden to take shopping after all. Brian leans up toward Joey, pressing their lips tentatively together. Joey grunts, pulling Brian closer to him and slipping his tongue between Brian’s lips. He sucks at Brian’s tongue, licking Brian’s teeth, his bottom lip. Brian moans and thrusts a little against Joey’s leg before pulling away, embarrassed. Joey looks over at JC, who’s watching them, his mouth hanging open. “Wow.” JC picks up his basket and starts heading toward the front of the store. “Wow.” Brian’s running his hand up and down Joey’s arm and Joey wants to grab Brian and kiss him again…and again. Instead he and Brian grab their carts and start following JC. “So, what are you doing tonight, Joe?” Brian asks. “Nothing,” Joey says, still tasting Brian’s kiss on his tongue. “If you aren’t busy –“ “No, definitely not busy.” Joey wonders if he sounds too eager. “Great! Hey, why don’t you drop JC off and follow me over to AJ’s and we’ll throw these groceries in the kitchen and then we can return yours and then – “ Brian shrugs, grinning mischievously. Joey thinks it would probably be easier if they just each went to their own homes and did their thing and then met up. But if Brian wants him to come help put away groceries, that’s all right with him. AJ doesn’t live that far from him anyway. |